On our way to Japan...

Hi Guys!

How are you sorry I have not written in a few days I have been busy in Hawai’i! 
I wish I could see you guys in person whether it is me going to you or you coming to me, but that probably won’t happen anytime soon.
We pretty much just surfed for around 5 hours on/ at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Oahu, and now we are on are way to Japan (Kobe and Kyoto..;)
In Japan I am looking forward to just chilling and hanging out.

I have consistently been doing school which is not fun but at the same time so relaxing and fun.( I know I know, how can school be fun?  But on the ocean its really sort of fun. On “A” days I have Global Studies from 9:30 to 10:50 AM and then free time. After that at 3:30, (actually 15:30 on the ship) I have “classroom time” which is sort of like class/school but it is really just sort of hang time with the “ Ship Kids” ( yep that is what we are called). But anyway, how can i explain this? Ah, it is sort of like team building activities and other group activities like art or games. Today we did YOGA. :) It was fun.
And on “B” days (I know I know I cant start a sentence with And, but please just go with it Mrs. Bixman) I do Study Hall 9:30-10:50 and then at 3:30 I have class again. I have been playing a lot of b-ball and ping pong!:)

I am doing a program that is called “big brother and little brother” and/or “big sister and little sister” program. My big brother’s name is Cooper and he goes to UCSD which stands for University Of California At San Diego. He also plays water polo for them.

We also got to do our second baseball catch in Hawai'i

Bye, talk to you later,


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