Catch on the Great Wall of China

Not sure we are going to be able to top playing catch on the Great Wall of China. It was a special moment for me and although Atty loved it, I hope he will look back on it one day and realize just how amazing it was. Pretty incredible to be up there on a beautiful day with my two kids experiencing one of the coolest spots on the planet.
I was not sure we were going to be able to pull it off, but somehow there were just not too many folks there and we played in two different spots on the wall. The first was an uphill throw for Atty, but then we moved on to atop one of the lookout towers where it was flat and we had more space. Our friend Mike filmed it all pro-like for us, so we have some good footage for our future mini-doc I hope to put together on all the spots we play around the world.

This will be a highlight!

Catch on the Great Wall!

Catch on the Great Wall!

Welcome to the Jungle: A Catch on the Banks of the Mekong River

Baseball in Kobe!