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Next Stop Japan

After a full and fun day in Hawaii of surfing, our first baseball catch session, good food, sunshine and a re-up on room snacks and supplies we are headed to Kobe, Japan. This will be the longest crossing on our voyage, 10 days at sea. The Pacific ocean is humbling for its size and power. The swells are the biggest we have seen to date and growing. They expect seas of 26’ as we move West. That is a twelve second ascent and twelve second decent. It’s impressive to see, but unfortunately you cannot get off the ride like you would on an amusement park attraction. Even with my seasickness patch I am a little queasy.

The air outside is still balmy, but we will soon be trading in our shorts and t-shirts for long pants and puffy coats as we get closer to Japan where it is winter. While there we will spend time in Kobe, Kyoto and perhaps take a day trip to Osaka. Wishing it was baseball season there, but instead it sounds like it could snow, which makes it more like baseball in Seattle.

SO until we see land again we have “A Days” and “B Days”. Normal days of the week do not apply. The A and B days mark what the academic schedule for that day will be. Atticus and I are currently on a schedule that is Global Studies lectures on A days and independent studies on B days. Hazel has Cultural Anthropology on A days , and Global Studies on B days in addition to her everyday online course work. They both have afternoon enrichment time and sports everyday. Having a consistent schedule is great. It provides the needed structure for keeping up with school, and there is still plenty of downtime for hanging with friends or having solo time.

Until next time…Up….Down…Up…Down…Up…Down…