The Motion of the Ocean

There is a lot of movement out here a couple days West of Hawaii. It’s also super hot! It is expected to cool down as we approach Japan, but for now it’s blazing and very humid. We are learning about the history of Japan in our Global Studies course as well as more info on plastics in the oceans and the accumulation of massive garbage patches in the five gyres. The scale of the problem is staggering and depressing considering the damage we have done to wildlife and the food chain. Every piece of plastic ever created is still around in some form. Broken down into smaller pieces, in the atmosphere, and even the micro-plastics that are eaten by birds and fish that we then consume. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

There continues to be a seemingly endless supply of great conversation on a universe of topics at meals and after hours at “The Fritz”, a staff/faculty only bar on deck seven aft.

Hazel is pumped on Zumba, Improv and singing songs for the community, and Atty is still playing lots of ping pong, basketball, swimming and making friends everywhere he goes.

Life is good.


Hello from the Future

Next Stop Japan