Next Stop Burma/Myanmar

Feb 18

We have successfully avoided the 40% chance of piracy through the Straight of Malaka and are headed due North towards Burma. The ocean is plate glass smooth, mystically blue and filled with pods of dolphins and tons of flying fish. It’s simply magical. It also continues to be insanely hot and humid. After a day of exploring Yangon/Yangoon, the city formerly know as Rangoon, the kids and I are flying to the middle of the country to trek to an elephant conservation program, work on a community service project, visit some schools and explore the surrounding area. Fortunately, we are expected to have cooler weather there, 80’s during the day and down into the 50’s at night which sounds just lovely. Even out here on the water it has not dipped below the high 70’s at night an is in the mid 90’s during the day. The doxycycline makes a noble assist in the skin crisping department so even with constant application of 30 plus SPF it’s hard not to get burned. 

There were so many cargo ships as we approached Singapore

We are not even halfway through our trip and we have so much more to explore. 



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