Update from China

I am sorry I haven’t written you in a while. I have been busy in Japan (Kobe and Kyoto) and mostly, China. I got to play baseball on the Great Wall of China!!! And we (my dad, sister and I) got to toboggan down the Great Wall of China after we hiked it. My mom couldn’t come because she was on call at the ship :-( 

  1. In China, I went to Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, in that order. We saw Summer Temple, Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Ming's Tomb, and all over the cities. Also, it was freezing cold.

  2. The food is so AMAZING! I want to descr— … Heck no, I can’t because it just can’t be put into words. That’s how good it is! It just can’t do it O.K.!

  3. But some of my favorites are the pork buns, duck (best duck in the world, no joke), and we also had hot pot and a lot more. I ate a fish head and ox tripe too. 

  4. How is math? How is Profe Diana (the other best teacher ever :-) ) doing giving you hard enough math problems?

  5. Right now I am sitting outside on the 7th deck sailing to Vietnam. It is hot and humid with a slight cooling and relaxing breeze. I can’t believe you have another SNOW DAY! :-)))))) 

Hello from Vietnam