Approaching Hawaii

We have been sailing for 5 days and have another 2 to get to Oahu. The weather has been everything from ultra-glassy seas to 16 foot swells. It’s balmy outside and we have mostly had sunshine. H and A have settled in to their study routines and mix that up with hanging with their ship friends, shooting hoops, playing volleyball, ga-ga ball, swimming and lounging in the sun. Days seems long and there is much time for in-depth conversation with fellow travelers. Internet is functional for light email and text based communication, but I look forward to uploading some pics when we have a better connection. This will have been a 7 day journey to Hawaii and from there we have another 10 to Japan. We hope to spot some whales and other wildlife as we get closer to the islands, but other than some isolated flying fish sightings it has just been deep blue ocean and stunning sunrises and sunsets.



Jan 7th: Way Out West